especially since the time of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He had added ‘Jai Vigyan’ to the slogan ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’, which was originally given by former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur ...
A 15-member delegation from the Samajwadi Party (SP) was barred from entering Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal today, prompting a sharp response from party chief Akhilesh Yadav.
A 15-member SP delegation plans to visit Sambhal to probe violence following a court-ordered mosque survey even as prohibitory orders prevent their entry on Saturday.
Leader of Opposition in Legislative Council Lal Bihari Yadav, SP state president Shyamlal Pal, MPs Ziaur Rahman Barq, Harendra Malik, Ruchi Veera, Iqra Hasan and Neeraj Maurya, MLAs Kamal Akhtar ...
The delegation also includes Lal Bihari Yadav, Leader of Opposition in the Legislative Council; Javed Ali, Rajya Sabha MP; and Lok Sabha MPs Harinder Malik, Ruchi Vira, Zia Ur Rehman Barq, and Neeraj ...
The same people who taunted him for letting Kabita leave the village now want his advice. “My daughter has earned me a lot of respect,” said Mahender, proudly showing pictures from Chhath, where he ...
Every year the TIME photo department sits down to curate the strongest images that crossed our path over the previous 12 months. And every year, sitting with the images, we find ourselves mulling ...
The delegation includes: Mata Prasad Pandey, Leader of Opposition, Legislative Assembly; Lal Bihari Yadav, Leader of Opposition, Legislative Council. Javed Ali, Rajya Sabha MP as well as Lok Sabha MPs ...
The delegation comprises prominent leaders, including Assembly Opposition Leader Mata Prasad Pandey, Legislative Council Opposition Leader Lal Bihari Yadav, Rajya Sabha MP Javed Ali, Lok Sabha MPs ...