Sonu Nigam took to Instagram to call out CM Bhajan Lal Sharma for disrespecting Maa Saraswati and the art. The singer shared a video of himself requesting politicians not to attend shows ...
The Bollywood film industry, known for its vibrant and diverse productions, has witnessed a significant trend in recent years, with movies racing to enter the coveted 100 crore club at the Indian ...
Megan Fox and MGK have reportedly split weeks after announcing they are expecting their first child together. Sources claim a Thanksgiving trip dispute led to the breakup. Know what happened.
Looking for the latest Bollywood movies to watch on OTT platforms? No further Looks! Here is a list of all the new releases this week in Bollywood 2024 that you can watch this week on Netflix ...
Also, down South stars are included in the list based on the performance of their films in the Hindi dubbed version). Check out the ranking of actors based on their box office power: Note ...