12月1日,2025年国家公务员公共科目笔试开考。据悉,本次国考共计划招录3.97万人,其中最热门岗位竞争比达16702:1。上午11时,行政职业能力测验结束,考生陆续走出考场。近年来,国考热度不减,究竟是什么吸引这届年轻人踏上“考公”路?他们又有怎 ...
12月1日举行的成都国际乒联混合团体世界杯,韩国队8:3战胜罗马尼亚队。 据了解,韩国队来成都的第一天,张禹珍和赵大成就在成都街头,品尝了地道的四川火锅。韩国队是否来成都之前是否就准备尝试各种美食?对此韩国选手赵大成表示,在韩国的时候韩国队曾吃过海底捞火锅,觉得非常好吃,听说成都火锅很好吃,所以大家来到成都就选择了火锅。 除了街头吃火锅,整场新闻发布会,韩国选手们纷纷玩耍面前的大熊猫玩偶,上演绝佳 ...
12月1日,2025年国家公务员公共科目笔试开考。早上8时许,记者在北京市八一学校考点外看到,不少考生已到达并陆续进入考场。据悉,本次国考共计划招录3.97万人,招录规模再创新高。截至网上报名与资格审查工作结束,共有341.6万人通过了资格审查,通过 ...
China News Service (CNS) praised young Taiwanese entrepreneur Lin Shuren's commitment to working as a 'rural youth' in the ...
近日,第37届中国电影金鸡奖揭晓,京剧电影《安国夫人》获最佳戏曲片。电影主演、著名京剧表演艺术家、梅派传人董圆圆接受中新社记者专访,讲述其与梅派艺术结缘的拜师之路,并分享了这部京剧电影拍摄的幕后故事。出生梨园世家的董圆圆,11岁时进入天津市戏校,后考入中国戏曲学院表演系。从小喜欢京剧的她,现在仍记得儿时看父母演出的场景。1987年,在北京上学的董圆圆,在一次偶然机会下现场观看了梅葆玖演出的《凤还巢 ...
International Airport, the only airport in the State that has international flights, has a new eight-storied state-of-the-art ...
Indian Naval Academy with honors, medals, and international representation, ready to serve their countries at sea.
Ezhimala, hosted its Passing Out Parade (POP) today, marking the culmination of rigorous training for 239 trainees, including ...
KOCHI: On Saturday, nearly 250 trainees marched in perfect sync, ceremonial swords and rifles gleaming, to the stirring tune ...
CBC Group and Mubadala acquire UCB's mature neurology and allergy business in China for US$680 million. New company is named NeuroGen Pharma, led by an experienced management team with a strong track ...
The complexity of the central nervous system (CNS) and its pathologies necessitates an intricate understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms at play. Single-cell biology has emerged as a ...