GTA 5Subscribe if you like! + <a href=" More Strange Simulator Games Here! + <a href=" me on Twitter! + <a href=" me on ...
GTA Online has just released its latest weekly update, featuring new content. Players can now find diamonds in the casinos, ...
Revolution团队近日公布《GTA:罪恶都市》次世代版的预告片。该游戏是他们对原版的非官方重制MOD,因为没有R星授权所以并不会拿来盈利,而是向粉丝玩家们免费开放下载。 视频简介中透露,目前的开发进度已达95%,正处于最后测试阶段。团队想直接发布MOD最强大的版本,这样以后就不会再用补丁修复小问题。预计今年12月上线,但仍有小概率会推迟到明年1月份。
People are asking for GTA 6 to feature life-like gameplay with realistic instances, which may not be as fun as it sounds.
Grand Theft Auto 5 has several protagonists, but Franklin is perhaps the best of the lot with his rise to the top, and his ...
In this article, check out the latest information on GTA 6 trailer 2 where one fan lost an interesting bet and did something unthinkable.