The new species would have resembled the iconic "sandworms" from the science fiction franchise "Dune", one researcher said.
An international team of researchers has discovered a new fossil worm lizard species in Tunisia. Terastiodontosaurus ...
Scientists have uncovered a new fossilized animal along the farthest northern reaches of Greenland's shoreline: a giant carnivorous worm once at ... of the 'Tully monster' since the discovery ...
Giant worms found wriggling under the Pacific seabed have unveiled a thriving ecosystem in a fiercely hostile environment, according to a study published by Nature. The team found the booming ...
But, living organisms such as giant tubeworms, worms and snails were found in hydrothermal vents, which are openings on the seafloor that form where seawater and magma beneath the Earth's crust ...