The catch of a lifetime -- that’s how one local fisherman described the Great White Shark he reeled in Tuesday while fishing ...
The gap in our knowledge of great white sharks may have just been narrowed ... from the University of San Diego, helped the pair size the shark. Using the drone's distance from the sea surface ...
Scientists hope the body of a pregnant great white shark killed on a drumline will reveal some of the mysteries of the ...
Often described as the ultimate shark, the great white needs little introduction. When hunting it relies on the element of surprise, ambushing its prey from below. The shark is warm blooded and ...
White sharks, classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, face numerous threats, including bycatch and overfishing. The eastern Australasian population is estimated to have only 750 breeding adults ...
This is now believed to be incorrect. O. megalodon likely had a much shorter nose, or rostrum, when compared with the great white, with a flatter, almost squashed jaw. Like the blue shark, it also had ...
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries' Tracey Scott-Holland said while the size was common for tiger sharks, it was uncommon for a great white shark to be caught at that length. "We know that ...