Advertisement filmmaker Tarek Mahmud Shumon has directed an advertisement film as part of Domex and Bhumijo's collaborative CSR campaign marking World Toilet Day. Titled "Public-er Toilet Hok Bondho", ...
St Martin's Parish Hall and its adjoining outside toilet block have had solar panels installed as part of a push to move away from using electricity from the grid, officials said. The installation ...
If you weren't already aware, rainbows and unicorns are all the rage for kids of a certain age. Even if you have no idea what they asked Santa for, there's a good chance their eyes will light up when ...
A NEW café is set to be 'one of the best locations' in West Cumbria - as work gets underway to open the popular new venue in time for Spring 2025. The demolition of the old toilet block is complete, ...
While many of us are busy preparing for family meals and festive celebrations, the holiday season is also an opportune time to embrace the spirit of giving. Whether it’s donating time, goods or funds, ...