To fill a car with gas, you generally just need a credit card or cash. To charge an EV at a DC fast-charging station, you need any number of things to work—a credit card reader, an app for that ...
With the holiday travel season at hand, state officials are recommending ways to avoid having unnecessary pain at the pumps. While gas prices are generally down across the U.S., scammers have ...
We want every driver to know that when they fill up, they’re getting exactly what they pay for.” Simple steps to protect yourself from card skimmers: – Choose the pump nearest the cashier. Criminals ...
With the holiday travel season at hand, state officials are recommending ways to avoid having unnecessary pain at the pumps. While gas prices are generally down across the U.S., scammers have ...
The Stockton City Council on Nov. 12 approved a resolution to accept a $963,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice. The federal funding will be used to equip the Stockton Police Department ...
Stockton leaders are moving forward with plans to install about 100 license plate readers on the city's streets to aid police in identifying leads, solving criminal cases, and reducing crime.