Struggling to choose between ACD vs IVR? Learn which one's best if you have to choose and when you should use both.
Optus has rolled out a contact centre solution for Great Southern Bank (GSB) using Nice CXone. Following the implementation in two of GSB’s national hubs, Optus is rolling out the contact centre ...
Australian telecoms provider Optus has partnered with NICE, a provider of AI customer service automation solutions, to overhaul Great Southern Bank's contact centre operations. Great Southern Bank had ...
Great Southern Bank has reduced customer wait times to just 30 seconds for 80% of calls, demonstrating a significant ...
Invent, Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an, Inc. company (NASDAQ: AMZN), today announced that Midea, a leading global technology company, uses Amazon Connect to achieve rapid and ...
Eskom successfully converts its prepaid customer base to KRN 2; pre-paid meter rollover project brings in around 400,000 zero ...
Al Futtaim has launched a new sonic identity for its Dubai Festival City Mall (DFCM) in partnership with Mindloop Studios.
-Starting off with a customer base of 6.91 million prepaid customers, all customers have been converted to KRN 2. A data ...
With Eskom hailing the completion of its pre-paid meter upgrade project as a success, the power utility has requested the approximately 1.7 million "zero buyers" to upgrade their meters before the ...