由5dims工作室开发并发行的全新角色扮演游戏《Wizlite: Everybody Loved ...
5dims工作室制作并发行,一款类《巫术》新游《Wizlite:: Everybody loved RPGs》短暂延期 ,新的日期确定12月19日抢先体验,本作暂不支持中文。《Wizlite:: Everybody loved ...
近日,一款备受期待的新游戏《Wizlite:Everybody loved RPGs》即将于12月19日开启抢先体验阶段,为玩家们带来全新的冒险体验。
本文转载自公众号:我没买(ID:LH_shopping),作者:阿碗非假期档正式上映,第二天就票房破亿,邵艺辉导演的《爱情神话》(这篇我们之前有写过)平行篇《好东西》,大家都去看了吗~我没买刚在影院里被王铁梅女士帅一脸,出来咱们就迫不及待大找特找戏中 ...
Here, to get his ear means to get a word in his ear. “Getting someone’s ear” is a metaphor, not to be taken literally. In ...
透过一周(11月11日-11月17日)海外数据,DataEye短剧观察发现了以下几个主要趋势和结论: ...
A terminally ill man recalls his past lives and incarnations on his death bed. He is visited by the ghosts of his loved ones.
在这个快节奏、充满变数的现代社会中,爱情似乎变得越来越脆弱。每个人都在寻找一段甜蜜的关系,却往往忽视了真正能够让婚姻长久的因素。然而,在娱乐圈这座光鲜亮丽的舞台背后,张译与妻子钱琳琳的爱情故事无疑为我们提供了一个珍贵的范本。 张译,一个从默默无闻的小演员成长为今天受人喜爱的实力派明星,背后有着妻子钱琳琳无私的付出与支持。令人感慨的是,这段感情的开始充满了戏剧性。18年前,钱琳琳带着2岁儿子,毅然嫁 ...
The Fifth Person believes in spreading a message that financial literacy and sound investment knowledge can help people around the world achieve financial independence and lead better lives for ...
I was thrilled to receive an invitation to my friend’s birthday bash in China Hangzhou, which marked a milestone as her first ...