Watch the moon phases and libration for 2024, as seen from Earth's Northern Hemisphere, in this time-lapsed animation that is ...
A steam-shrouded planet unlike any we’ve seen before has been detected nearly 100 light years away. The planet, known as GJ ...
As of Friday, Nov. 8, the agency’s legacy TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay Satellite) system, as part of the Near Space Network, ...
The Kepler telescope, launched in 2009 to discover Earth-like planets orbiting sun-like stars, collected data on 170,000 ...
It’s the ultimate game of find a needle in the haystack. One NASA scientist is betting on AI to help expedite the search ...
美国国家航空航天局(NASA)近日成功发射了名为“欧罗巴快船”(Europa Clipper)的探测器,地点位于佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心。这款探测器造价高达52亿美元(约368亿元人民币),是NASA迄今为止打造的最大行星探测器。
新发现的类似火星大小的超短周期系外行星。由于离主星非常近,行星不光表面温度很高,而且潮汐力会挤压行星内部和表面产生很多火山喷发。此为艺术想象图(制图:石琰) ...
As per NASA Hubble, the image of Galaxy cluster SDSS J1038+4849 seems to be smiling. This happens because of gravitational ...
近日,由中国科学院上海天文台葛健教授带领的国际团队,研发了一种结合GPU相位折叠和卷积神经网络的深度学习算法,并在开普勒(Kepler)2017年释放的恒星测光数据中发现了五颗直径小于地球、轨道周期短于1天的超短周期行星。其中,四颗是迄今为止发现的距 ...
Researchers using the Hubble Space Telescope have discovered water vapor in the atmosphere of planet K2-18b, located about ...
Located around 100 light-years away from Earth, the exoplanet is shrouded in a thick envelope of steam. This world, designated GJ 9827 d, is around twice the size of Earth, three times more massive ...
SpaceX operates flights to space as well as a satellite internet division with multiple rivals who rely on those flights.