Their results, published in Neuron, identify crucial shared pathways ... models truly reflect the complexity of Alzheimer's in the human brain," said co-senior author Winston Hide, PhD, of the ...
A decade ago, researchers introduced a new model for studying Alzheimer’s disease. Known as “Alzheimer’s in a dish,” the model uses cultures of mature brain cells suspended in a gel to recapitulate ...
Despite anecdotal reports of exceptional cases, ALS is a condition with relentless progression, and riluzole, the single disease-modifying drug licensed for the condition, provides only an ...
To measure neuronal cell size, neurons were projected under ×1,000 magnification on a computer screen and the somal area (μm 2) of neuron was determined by tracing the outline of the neuronal ...
SMA pathology affects a wider range of cells, including astrocytes and microglia, beyond alpha motor neurons. Advanced techniques revealed significant ventral horn neuron loss and abnormal ...
"At this point, we can't say whether the microglia are causing the pathology or whether the pathology is causing these microglia to alter their behavior," said Prater. This research is still in its ...
DONALD TRUMP NEURON': Artificial intelligence recognizes images and the name of President-elect Donald Trump so much that the phenomenon is referred to as a "Donald Trump neuron," expert Chris ...