A new psychological study has shown that when people know they are under surveillance it generates an automatic response of heightened awareness of being watched, with implications for public mental ...
Summary: New research links a positive attitude, or “growth mindset,” to higher levels of passion and determination. A study of over 1,500 participants aged 13 to 77 found that those with the most ...
The nationally recognized Neuroscience PhD program at Brandeis provides our students with an environment of unparalleled scientific research and training. Neuroscience research faculty include Nobel ...
Now I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that, even during your most relaxing shower or most endless DMV wait, this is not a question you have considered. Which is a shame. One, because ...
Social neuroscience is a research discipline that examines how the brain mediates social processes and behaviour. A wide range of research topics are examined within this discipline, including ...