T cells are white blood cells that are important for adaptive immunity. They have unique cell surface receptors that are generated by randomly assorting genes. These receptors allow T cells to ...
A precancerous cell is a cell with certain abnormalities that makes it more likely to become cancerous. These abnormalities don't mean that it will become cancer—in fact, most don't—but the diagnosis ...
Pluripotent stem cells are cells that have the capacity to self-renew by dividing and to develop into the three primary germ cell layers of the early embryo and therefore into all cells of the ...
TULSA procedure’s unrivaled flexibility, real-world efficacy and ongoing CAPTAIN post-market study to be featured in the scientific programs at the upcoming RSNA and SUO meetings The TULSA procedure, ...
For a very long time, we have been under the impression that memory and learning are solely the brain’s forte. Central to this belief is the fact that our brains, particularly our brain cells, store ...
The disease gets its name because when you have SCD, your red blood cells look like a sickle, which is a C-shaped farm tool. Normal red blood cells are round and pliable. With sickle cell ...
Recent discoveries demonstrated the skeleton’s role as an endocrine organ regulating whole-body glucose homeostasis. Glucose metabolism is critical for rapid cell proliferation and tumour growth ...
If your red blood cell count is low, there are things you can do to increase it, like boosting your nutrition, taking supplements, and getting medical treatment for underlying health conditions. Your ...
The clinical and radiographic impression was a lesion consistent with osteoid osteoma. The patient subsequently had surgical excision of the nidus. By an anterior approach, the base of the ...