Led by Hera and accompanied by Sabine, Phoenix Squadron arrives at Concord Dawn. They encounter three Mandalorian Gauntlet fighters. They come alongside, and the leading pilot, Commander Fenn Rau, the ...
Later, the Ghost docks with Iron Squadron's ship. Hera, accompanied by Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper board the freighter and are first greeted by Gooti Terez and Jonner Jin. Following Gooti and Jonner to ...
With the Jolly Rogers emblem proudly emblazoned on the tails of the most lethal and history-rich fighter squadron in all of Naval Aviation, the legacy of "The Bones" promises to endure for many ...
The squadron conducts extensive technical off-station training and liaises with CAF units. The 17th emblem, modified from the one adopted in 1917, consists of a Great White Snowy Owl in front of a ...
The original and accepted parent unit of the Natal Mounted Rifles is the Royal Durban Rangers which was formed at a meeting of the public in the town of Durban, at Boltbee's Hotel on 23 March 1854.