A Trademark is a legally registered distinctive mark or sign which identifies goods, products or services that originate or are associated with a particular person or enterprise . A typical ...
1. To launch a Fight Piracy Every Day campaign to come down harshly on infringement and piracy activities and to enhance the profile of the Chinese government in IPR protection. 2. To carry out ...
A business should analyse and protect the intellectual property rights that are important for its operations. Patents and trademarks are ways of protecting yourself against imitators. Intellectual ...
At the heart of the Act's IPR protection measures lies section 11, which grants the central government the authority to prohibit or restrict the import or export of specific goods. This provision is ...
Online session on ‘Basics of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and its Importance for Innovators and Entrepreneurs’ was ...
In addition to filing assistance, the IPFC offers a comprehensive range of services, including IP searches, prior art ...
In the ongoing case of Carefirst of Maryland Inc. v. Johnson & Johnson, the plaintiffs successfully overcame a motion to ...