成立于 2018 年的西湖大学是由施一公院士领衔创办的、聚焦前沿科学研究的研究型大学, 该校鼓励科学家们探索 AI 与各学科交叉融合, 为科研创新提速。为此, 西湖大学在浪潮信息等企业助力下打造了领先的算力平台, 支撑科学家开展跨学科研究。在算力助力下,“科学家 + AI”展现了无限可能。
Different types of cancer have unique molecular 'fingerprints' which are detectable in early stages of the disease and can be picked up with near-perfect accuracy by small, portable scanners in just a ...
【来源:山东省畜牧兽医局_畜牧要闻】 近日,中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所联合国内科研单位解析了非洲猪瘟病毒感染样品中病毒RNA聚合酶复合体结构,阐明了pM1249L在病毒基因转录调控中的分子开关功能。相关研究成果发表在《自然∙通讯(Nature Communications)》上。
A new 'cancer fingerprint' could improve early detection of the disease, according to scientists who say different types of ...
With this method, the disease's molecular patterns are detectable with near-perfect accuracy in just a few hours.
Orange cats are just cats, but if you ask anyone who's lucky enough to have one, they'll swear that the orange-ness makes a ...
A pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) powered model able to understand the sequences and structure patterns that make up the genetic 'language' of plants, has been launched by a research ...
InSTAnT keeps tabs on this activity, investigating where and how these workers interact, and what they might be up to. So, ...
Different types of cancer have unique molecular "fingerprints" which are detectable in early stages of the disease and can be ...
UC Santa Cruz Professor Emeritus of Biomolecular Engineering Mark Akeson has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of ...
Different types of cancer have unique molecular "fingerprints" that can be picked up using handheld scanners in just a few ...
US scientists Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun have been awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for their research ...