10月18日,北极光投资企业 血霁生物 宣布自主研发的“全球新” Fisrt-in-Class细胞治疗产品XJ-MK-002 治疗先天性无巨核细胞性血小板减少症获得美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)认证授予儿科罕见病资格认定(Rare ...
(原标题:21健讯Daily|因肺癌药物合作纠纷,复星医药子公司请求仲裁艾力斯支付约2.55亿元;国家药监局部署开展生物制品分段生产改革试点) 这里是《21健讯Daily》,欢迎与21世纪经济报道新健康团队共同关注医药健康行业最新事件!
Up to half of patients showed significant improvement in study results presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology ...
The FDA has already made more than a dozen cancer drug approval decisions this year and more expected in the next several ...
Independent Data Safety and Monitoring Board Endorsed Dose Escalation and Broadening of Eligibility Criteria; Cohort 2 Now Enrolling ...
The FDA granted galinpepimut-S a rare pediatric disease designation for the treatment of pediatric patients with acute ...
The FDA grants rare pediatric disease designation for serious or life-threatening diseases that affect fewer than 200,000 people in the United States when those people are primarily younger than 18 ...
AstraZeneca presented significant advancements in the prevention of infectious diseases at IDWeek 2024, showcasing its ...
Theriva Biologics (NYSE American: TOVX), ("Theriva” or the "Company”), a clinical-stage company developing therapeutics ...
SELLAS Life Sciences Group, Inc. (SLS), a late-stage clinical biopharmaceutical company, Tuesday announced that the U.S. Food and ...
GPS Currently Investigated in Phase 3 REGAL Trial in Adult AML Patients – Interim Analysis Anticipated in Q4 2024 - ...