Abdourahamane Tchiani's administration is about to finalise an unprecedented acquisition from Turkish drone manufacturer ...
A veteran of double-pronged diplomacy, Touadéra has recently initiated a rapprochement with Paris in an effort to distance ...
Brown & Root - Condor Algerie (BRC Algerie), an Algerian affiliate of Haliburton, was the target of an attack in Algiers on Dec.10. A bus carrying the firm’s employees came under gun fire, and one ...
The announcement passed almost unnoticed during the two-and-three-quarter-hour press conference Sonangol held to mark its 45th anniversary on 8 March: the state-owned company's upstream director, ...
The two companies are working very closely together on the industrial aspects of the project - recuperating the cobalt and nickel and getting approval on the feasibility study for transforming the ...
One of the legacies of the deployment by Moscow when the defence accord was signed is a team of Russian technicians, who are still based in Wagner's former rear base of Nacala (AI, 09/03/20). Tasked ...
At the end of September, China First Highway Engineering Co (CFHEC) won the competitive tender launched by Douala mayor Roger Mbassa Ndine for the construction of the Wouri River embankment road. The ...
Before it resumes operations at its mine in Haut-Katanga at some point later this year Kipushi Corp (Kico) still has to build a new road to evacuate its zinc production. This will link its Kico plants ...
The minister, who is close to Russia, seems to be falling out of favour with President Touadéra. Earlier this month, he was prevented from leaving the country to receive medical treatment. Livestock ...
A first CH-4 combat drone system has been delivered to the DRC by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp (CASC). The batch, which includes three drones in addition to a ground station, is ...
GAEREL (General Authority for Electricity and Renewable Energy of Libya), the national electricity company controlled by the dissident government in Benghazi, still hopes to launch its project to ...
Although the outgoing DG of the tax service has gone back to his old post as a teacher at Universite Marien Ngouabi (UMNG) in Brazzaville, the same is not true of his colleague at customs. Onanga, who ...