The FAI 2024 Autumn Days opens 20 locations across Tuscany normally closed to the public. Go off the beaten path this weekend ...
Do you remember the tale of Pinocchio? Perhaps not everyone knows that the stories of the little wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy were born in Tuscany. Pinocchio, the Talking Cricket, ...
San Miniato will certainly catch your eye as you drive the main highway back and forth from Pisa to Florence; it sits high and pretty, just beckoning to you to come and visit it's quiet streets and ...
La Toscana è certamente tra le più belle regioni d'Italia. Grazie agli indimenticabili paesaggi, all'ottimo vino e all'eccellente cibo tipico, la Toscana viene visitata ogni anno da milioni di persone ...
Checking the environmental standards is a good thing but this list doesn't take into consideration lots of other factors we generally consider as personal preferences when choosing a beach, for ...
Barga is a hilltop town in the Garfagnana valley in northwestern Tuscany which offers many historical and artistic buildings to visit. Stroll along its quaint streets to discover the wonderful San ...
The city of Pistoia is located in northern Tuscany, halfway between Florence and Lucca, about 40 km away from each. The province of Pistoia is quite large, includeing both flat valleys as well as ...
I'm coming to Tuscany for a week and would like to stay in a central area so that I can enjoy the best of the countryside as well as take day trips to see the top sights in the region. Where do you ...
Anyone venturing into Chianti will have heard or read about the “Chiantigiana” (pronounced more or less like this: key-an-tea-jan-a) or sometimes referred to simply as the “222”, which sounds rather ...
Whether you have or haven’t heard about the artist Piero della Francesca (1416? – 1492), his works left a profound mark on the Renaissance era that you cannot have easily missed. His mathematical ...
Dylan Dog, represented by its publishing house, Sergio Bonelli Editore, is a constant presence at Lucca Comics & Game International Convention and just an example of what you will find by taking part ...
Lucca's Cathedral is located in a secluded location of the old city center, just outside the main tourist itinerary. If you follow the main street called Il Fillungo, or enter in through the walls at ...