Being defined as the “combined works of nature and of man”, cultural landscapes focus on sustainable land-use techniques, where the local population take into consideration the limits of the natural ...
It is dedicated to the understanding and conservation of the family Hyaenidae: spotted hyenas, striped hyenas, aardwolves, and brown hyenas. I am a wildlife biologist and science writer. As Chair of ...
The Talaud Bear Cuscus (Ailurops melanotis) is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species and protected under Indonesian law. The species’ geographic distribution is ...
After a successful negotiation process, on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, the States of Ecuador and Peru formally endorsed the Regulation of the Binational Commission for the Integrated Management of ...
La autora agradece la colabarcion a este articulo de Juan Camilo Macias, jurista colombiano egresado de la Universidad Sciences Po. El tratado de altamar[1] que se abre a firma el próximo mes de ...
This year, the World Environment Day 2024 was marked by significant global efforts to promote environmental restoration and sustainability. IUCN Pakistan celebrated this day by inaugurating two ...
The IUCN CEESP Gender Specialist Group (GSG) aims to strengthen the understanding of and promote the full achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment in all areas of conservation and ...
Boas and pythons are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. However, clearcutting of forests, substitution of natural habitats by crops and infrastructure, introduced ...
Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA) are important instruments for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. CEPA provides the link from science and ecology to people's social ...
Arraigada en normas y leyes discriminatorias y envuelta en la impunidad, la violencia de género se produce en todas las sociedades, como un medio de control, subyugación y explotación que refuerza aún ...
In November, all along the busy maze of pavilion buildings in Sharm el Sheik, an estimated 45,000 people snaked along corridors hoping to inform crucial discussions surrounding climate policy at the ...
In transboundary mountain ecosystems across Nepal, Bhutan, Peru, Colombia, Kenya, and Uganda, IUCN and partners have worked from 2017 - 2022 to implement ecosystem-based adaptation approaches to ...