As voters across Washington state receive their ballots this week, they will be tasked with deciding on four new initiatives: I-2066, I-2109, I-2117 and I-2124.
The retirement of Jay Inslee from the post of governor after three terms in office has set off a game of political musical chairs in Olympia. Democrat Bob Ferguson, who has served as the Attorney ...
Read Pete Serrano's full interview with Real Change here. Do you support ending cash bail? No. Should the state end qualified immunity for cops? No.
Real Change News is a publication of Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project. © 2021 Real Change. All rights reserved. Real Change is a non-profit organization advocating for economic, social and ...
With incumbent Bob Ferguson running for governor, Republicans may have the best shot they’ve had, after more than a decade in the political wilderness, to secure the post of Attorney General of ...
Getting back to Elon Musk, the reason he cares about all this is he wants to speed up the process of reusing these boosters, because he has in mind multiple launches in 2026, when Earth and Mars are ...
Olsen’s journey into drag design began at nightclubs like Neighbours, where they created their own outfits for fun. Then local drag queens like Jane Don’t reached out for a custom look, and since then ...
Another distinct feature within the Washington Bus voter guide not usually included in the King County or Washington state voters’ pamphlet is a picture of a waffle. The breakfast treat signifies the ...
Real Change News is a publication of Real Change Homeless Empowerment Project. © 2021 Real Change. All rights reserved. Real Change is a non-profit organization advocating for economic, social and ...
Read Real Change's full interview with Shaun Scott here. Do you support replacing sales tax with an income tax? I would say yes Do you support taxing the super wealthy to fund public schools?