Explore a vast open world of unspoiled islands, sunken ships and mysterious artefacts. Seek out lost treasure, confront cursed Skeleton Captains and protect precious Trading Company cargo. Go hunting ...
Говорят, что лучшая защита — это нападение. С этим сложно поспорить, особенно если у вас есть пушки. К счастью, в пиратской лавке появились товары «Железная черепаха»: набор прочной ...
Devious Disguise Awarded to pirates who are most effectively able to conceal their true appearance, whether that involves ...
Captain Flameheart has returned, but the real star of Season 13 is his fiery flagship, awaiting crews who have what it takes to claim it for themselves! For an overview of this new Season’s headline ...
Access all the adventure you crave more quickly than ever before with Season 11’s overhaul of Voyages and encounters! Explore a redesigned Quest system, major expansions to most Trading Companies and ...
Access all the adventure you crave more quickly than ever before with Season 11’s overhaul of Voyages and encounters! Explore a redesigned Quest system, major expansions to most Trading Companies and ...
Unlike previous Seasons, you’ll see game-changing features delivered regularly throughout Season Ten. Guilds, the Skull of Siren Song and Safer Seas are among the expansive additions and updates ...
For crews pledged to the Burning Blade, there is now a short grace period after the Captain leaves the game before the ship begins to sink, to protect from temporary disconnections. When a crew in ...
Hallo! Wenn ihr in den letzten Wochen nicht gerade unter einem Stein gelebt habt, ist euch bestimmt aufgefallen, dass wir auf Hochtouren an den Feierlichkeiten zum fünften Jubiläum von Sea of Thieves ...
En las criptas de los fuertes de la fortuna hay escondidos nuevos cofres de la fortuna repletos de tesoros sin dueño. Las avispadas tripulaciones que los reclamen para sí se llevarán oro en cantidades ...
Marking a year of unbridled pirate adventure, Sea of Thieves presents the Anniversary Update: an expanded and enriched experience that builds on last year’s maiden voyage in a whole range of ...
This page has now closed. Thank you to everyone who sailed the Sea of Thieves in 2023 – we hope you enjoyed finding out your statistics and embarking on all the adventures that went with them. May the ...