It is the repository of all rulings and official decrees issued by the University of Padua and it serves as a legally binding form of public notice, in accordance with the Italian Law. It lists ...
Al di fuori degli orari di sportello istituti secondari ed enti territoriali, possono chiedere consulenze informative in videoconferenza per avere informazioni sull'offerta formativa e i servizi ...
A course held entirely in English that offers students a multicultural and multilinguistic dimension due to its numerous international experiences while providing an advanced level of training in ...
Environmental protection and land management in favor of sustainable development are at the heart of this master degree course, the only one in this sector in Italy delivered in English; it trains ...
Exam session reserved to students who will graduate by 14 December 2024: 1 October - 23 November 2024 ...
The University of Padua invites partners and colleagues to participate in the International Staff Training Week on the topic of “Global Perspectives and Strategies in Higher Education Partnerships”, ...
The course is divided into two curricula, Biotechnologies for Food (in Italian) and Biotechnologies for Food Science (in English). The course prepares students to carry out complex coordination and ...
A course provided in English, meeting the needs of modern pharmaceutical research, preparing professionals with a solid knowledge in the pharmaceutical and technological fields typical of ...
Il Servizio civile universale ambientale – SCA ha l'obiettivo di preparare i giovani ad affrontare le sfide della rivoluzione verde e della transizione ecologica, innovando e valorizzando quanto già ...
A newly activated course in English, aiming to train professionals in the theory and applications of physical methodologies for the exploration and characterization of the subsoil with a ...
Payment of tuition fees gives access to all services provided by the University of Padua. The fee structure depends on your citizenship, country of residence and year of enrolment. If you enrolled ...
A recently activated course aiming to train doctors with a holistic vision of individuals, attentive to the issues of health promotion, preventive medicine and global health, enhancing the ...