以色列刺杀哈桑·纳斯鲁拉不仅不会削弱真主党,反而可能会为这个陷入困境的组织带来巨大的公关助力。 16 年 1992 月 XNUMX 日, 以色列占领黎巴嫩南部,以色列暗杀了真主党联合创始人兼秘书长阿巴斯·穆萨维。当时,以色列媒体称赞军队的果断行动, 预测 ...
几天前,Marist 民意调查报告了总统竞选的一个重要发现。报告称:“80% 的登记选民 ...
关于飓风海伦给美国东南部造成的破坏的可怕报道中,有一篇是关于北卡罗来纳州斯普鲁斯松镇的,该镇人口为 2,194 人(截至 2020 年人口普查)。 该镇遭受重创一名居民报告说,水处理厂“被冲走了”。该镇许多沿河的古老砖砌建筑都消失了,到处都是泥土。
经过三天的罢工,国际码头工人协会的东海岸码头工人终于重返工作岗位。他们承诺六年内每小时工资增加 24 美元,最高工资将从 39 美元提高到 63 美元。 此次罢工导致纽瓦克、休斯顿和查尔斯顿等大型港口的航运陷入瘫痪,水果、车辆和重型设备停运。
有关女权主义/性别、亲属关系和性的理论、愿景和策略的内容。 这包括有关父权制、性别、性别角色和性别规范以及打破 ...
Is the order of the modern alphabet connected to how our shared ancestors counted the phases of the moon and its effect on ...
In 1947, the moot question was whether the Muslim-majority Jammu & Kashmir, then a princely state, would follow the ...
The last year of a relentless Israeli war on Gaza, and bloody raids and violence in the West Bank have been largely viewed in terms of their horrific ...
Colonialism is hardly a thing of the past – it’s alive and vibrant as ever . . . from the Middle East to Western Europe to the United States to India and ...
As theclimate crisis worsens, fossil fuel emissions continue to rise, and all the evidence screams that drastic action is ...
Service and maintenance workers at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, won a new contract that eliminates two-tier wages ...
Propaganda often works in subtle ways. Consider a BBC News headline on its website on 3 October: ‘Israeli air strike kills 18 people in occupied ...