Every 35s (every 15s) after the battle starts: Fire a Level 1 (Level 10) special barrage at a random enemy, and increase the RLD and Accuracy of all BBs, BCs, and BBVs in your main fleet by …
Every 35 (15) seconds after the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage at a randomly chose enemy (DMG is based on the skill's level) and increases Accuracy and …
Powercreep doesn't really matter in this game. You can still clear pretty much all the content in the game using Howe, so if you want to use Howe, than use Howe. With that said though the …
Well looks like it after a long break we made a new Azur Lane guide, this time featuring the HMS Howe a pretty strong and spicy ship. Lastest Video: https://...
Howe: Which do you think would be the best, Commander? She presents the three different kinds of cutters to me. Option 1 Which do YOU like? Option 2 They're all good. Howe: Hmm... If you …
One of the larger ship in the King George-V line up, Howe presents as a heavily armored Battleship that can hold her ground. Equipped with many large Caliber long range guns and …