Colleges in Savannah, Georgia and Colleges near Savannah
List of the 26 colleges in Savannah and nearby areas. Colleges less than a 2 hour drive from Savannah. Search and find the best Savannah colleges.
Best Colleges in Savannah | US News Rankings
Here are the best colleges in Savannah. Savannah College of Art and Design; Savannah State University; South University; See The Full Rankings
Colleges & Schools - Savannah State University
Savannah State University’s Colleges & Schools offer a diverse range of academic programs designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed for success in their chosen fields. With a strong focus on innovation, research, and community engagement, the university’s academic divisions provide a supportive and enriching ...
2025 Colleges with the Best Location in the Savannah Area
Georgia Southern University - Armstrong #8 Best College Locations in Georgia. Blue checkmark. 4 Year, SAVANNAH, GA. 1233 Niche users give it an average review of 3.6 stars. Featured Review: Freshman says It has been fun starting my college experience at …
Armstrong Campus in Savannnah - Georgia Southern University
Explore Savannah while engaging with fellow classmates and dedicated faculty on Georgia Southern University’s Armstrong Campus. ... Savannah, GA 31419 912-478-4636 Directions. Request Information Schedule a Visit Start Your Application. Statesboro Campus …
7 Colleges near Savannah, Georgia - College Tuition Compare
There are 10 colleges located in Savannah, Georgia. By school types, there are 3 public and 4 private schools. The average undergraduate tuition & fees of the schools are $14,545 for Georgia residents and $19,461 for out-of-state students.
2025 Best College Campuses in the Savannah Area - Niche
2025 Best College Campuses in the Savannah Area ranking based on statistics and student reviews.
Savannah, Georgia Colleges and Universities
2014年6月24日 · Explore detailed profiles for accredited colleges and universities located in and near Savannah, Georgia. Savannah College of Art & Design has a total enrollment of 9,200+ students and provides Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees programs.
7 Best Colleges and Universities Near Savannah, GA - Learn.org
7 Best Colleges and Universities Near Savannah, GA. This article shares information about the universities and colleges within an hour of Savannah, GA, to help you find a program and campus lifestyle that fits your needs and interests.
7 Colleges Near Savannah, Georgia - Univstats
There are 7 colleges near Savannah, Georgia - 3 public and 4 private schools. All schools are located in the city limits (boundaries). All schools provide undergraduate programs and 5 schools offer graduate programs.