- Fragaria × ananassa, commonly called strawberry, is a low-growing, stoloniferous, herbaceous, hybrid perennial of cultivated origin that resulted from a cross between F. chiloensis and F. virginiana.了解详细信息:Fragaria × ananassa, commonly called strawberry, is a low-growing, stoloniferous, herbaceous, hybrid perennial of cultivated origin that resulted from a cross between F. chiloensis and F. virginiana.www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/Plan…草莓 (学名: Fragaria × ananassa),中国大陆和台灣称草莓,在香港常称为士多啤梨(英語: strawberry),为 草莓属 中最常见的 杂交 栽培种。 草莓是多年生草本植物,一般存活时间为3年左右。 人們所食用部份的 果实 是 假果,並非草莓的果實。zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8D%89%E8%8E%93
Strawberry - Wikipedia
草莓 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Fragaria x ananassa - North Carolina Extension …
Learn about the origin, cultivation, and characteristics of strawberries, a rosette-forming perennial in the rose family. Find out how to grow, harvest, and enjoy this edible and showy fruit in your garden or container.
2020年10月14日 · 本文介绍了华南植物园与江苏省农科院合作的研究,利用基因组比对方法,确认森林草莓和饭沼草莓是八倍体栽培草莓的二倍体祖先,而绿色草莓、黄毛草莓和西藏草莓不是。该研究解决了当前关于栽培草莓二倍体起源之 …
The complexity of the Fragaria x ananassa (octoploid ... - Nature
Strawberry | Description, Cultivation, Nutrition, Uses, …
In addition to the dominant commercial variety (Fragaria ×ananassa), the musk, or hautbois, strawberry (F. moschata) is also cultivated in some areas for its unique musky aroma and flavour. Wild strawberries grow in a variety of …
Reannotation of the cultivated strawberry genome and ... - Nature
(PDF) Strawberry (F. × ananassa)—Morphology, Taxonomy
红颜草莓 - 百度百科
红颜草莓苗(学名:Fragaria × ananassa ‘Red Face’)是蔷薇科、草莓属植物。红颜草莓是日本静冈县用章姬与幸香杂交育成的早熟优良品种。2007年引进的日本红颜草莓经多年、多点品比和区域试验选育而成。