Detective Joseph "Joey" Quinn is a main character in the Showtime series DEXTER. Quinn is a Homicide Detective with the Miami Metro Police Department, having previously worked in the Narcotics Division. He makes his debut appearance in Season Three, instantly becoming a major part of the group...
Joseph "Joey" Quinn is a fictional character in the Showtime television series Dexter, portrayed by Desmond Harrington. The character was introduced in season three. He appeared in 72 episodes, making him one of the most frequently appearing characters of the show. [1]
Actor: Dexter. Desmond Harrington was raised in the Bronx New York. Prior to acting he worked as a laborer, landscaper, a cold caller at a brokerage firm, and a bartender in Manhattan, where a co-worker invited him to attend an acting class.
Joey Quinn is one of the two tritagonists (alongside Angel Batista) of Dexter, serving as a major character in season three and four, the secondary antagonist of Season 5, and one of two tritagonists for the remaining seasons.
2024年5月1日 · He is an actor who is perhaps still known best for his portrayal of Detective Joseph ‘Joey’ Quinn in the third season of the critically acclaimed mystery crime series “Dexter”, written by James Manos Jr. and which starred Michael C. …
Christine Hill is a character appearing in Season Four of the Showtime series DEXTER. She was a reporter who met Joey Quinn while covering the Lisa Bell murder. Her biological father is Arthur Mitchell aka The Trinity Killer.