Chartered in 1763, the Town of Newbury is situated on the Connecticut River and includes the Village of Newbury and the Village of Wells River. Population at the 2020 census was 2,293.
Newbury History Project In March of 2018, a committee was formed to begin the creation of the third volume of Newbury Town History. That committee met several times and developed the format and categories of topics to be included in the volume.
The Zoning Administrator is available to assist applicants with the permitting process, to coordinate Newbury’s development review programs and to provide staff support for the Planning Commission and Development Review Board.
Town of Newbury, Vermont. Contact. Minutes and Agendas. Forms and Permit Applications . Community Links. Budget Advisory Committee. Committee members meet with the Selectboard during the annual budget hearings and other times during the year as needed. ...
Town of Newbury, Vermont. Contact. Minutes and Agendas. Forms and Permit Applications . Community Links. Forms and applications available as pdf files Access Permit ATV Permit for Agricultural Use Development Permit Application Employment Application Permit to …
Town of Newbury, Vermont. Contact. Minutes and Agendas. Forms and Permit Applications . Community Links. Minutes and Agendas . Selectboard . Board of Listers Planning Commission . Development Review Board . Recreation Committee . Town Meeting ...
Fire Department Steering Committee This committee has been established to provide the Selectboard with information and subsequent recommendations on moves that might be beneficial to the town in the future, relative to the fire department stations and equipment.