Degrassi is a Canadian teen drama television franchise created by Kit Hood and Linda Schuyler, that follows the lives of youths attending the eponymous secondary school in Toronto. Each …
The Degrassi series was originally a Canadian series drama that followed the lives of a group of children and teenagers who lived on De Grassi St. in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The three …
Degrassi: The Next Generation: Created by Kit Hood, Yan Moore, Linda Schuyler. With Stefan Brogren, Aislinn Paul, Melinda Shankar, A.J. Saudin. The lives of the kids at Degrassi …
Degrassi: The Next Generation (renamed to Degrassi for seasons 10 to 14) is a Canadian teen drama television series created by Yan Moore and Linda Schuyler. It is the fourth series in the …
The Degrassi franchise has produced 525 episodes (until #KThxBye) to this day. Degrassi: Next Class recently made an Alumni episode featuring characters from DTNG and Degrassi such …
Degrassi is a long-running Canadian television franchise, created by Linda Schuyler and Kit Hood, that focuses on the lives of teenagers attending the eponymous secondary school.
Degrassi has aired in more than 150 countries and has been continuously praised through the years for tackling complex subject matter like bullying, teen pregnancy, drug use, body image, …