Ovarian cystic lesions - The Radiology Assistant
2011年5月18日 · By far the most common cystic ovarian lesions are benign functional ovarian cysts. Functional cysts are Graafian follicles or corpora lutea that have grown too large or have bled, but are otherwise benign.
Ultrasound Evaluation of the Ovaries | Radiology Key
2019年2月16日 · Most ovarian masses are benign and have a typical sonographic appearance that allows accurate diagnosis. Many simple and hemorrhagic cysts do not need sonographic follow-up in asymptomatic patients. Before diagnosing a simple ovarian cyst, it is important to search carefully for small nodules along the wall.
Ovarian Masses and O-RADS: A Systematic Approach to …
2021年5月4日 · For O-RADS 3 or greater lesions and sometimes in post-menopausal O-RADS 2 lesions, MRI may be valuable. Dermoid cysts and teratomas are classified as germ cell tumors (Table 4), account for 15-20% of all ovarian neoplasms and are rarely malignant.
Roadmap to evaluate ovarian cysts - The Radiology Assistant
In this article we will focus on specific features of ovarian cysts that are helpful in making a differential diagnosis. We will present a roadmap for the diagnostic work-up and management of ovarian cystic masses, based on ultrasound and MRI findings.
Ovarian lesions seen on an ultrasound effectively predict cancer risk
2022年3月22日 · In the new study, Dr. Gupta and colleagues assessed a method that uses ultrasound images to classify adnexal lesions into one of two categories: classic or non-classic. Classic lesions are the...
Hyperechoic - Radiology In Plain English
2024年9月29日 · Hyperechoic refers to tissues or structures in the body that reflect a high amount of ultrasound waves back to the probe, making them appear bright on the ultrasound screen. This brightness helps radiologists identify certain types of tissues or abnormalities.
Mature cystic ovarian teratoma | Radiology Reference Article ...
2024年9月2日 · Most lesions are unilocular. The spectrum of sonographic features includes: CT has high sensitivity in the diagnosis of cystic teratomas 6 though it is not routinely recommended for this purpose owing to its ionizing radiation.
Bilateral ovarian hyperechoic lesions: a surprise - ScholarMD
Figure 1: Transvaginal ultrasound examination revealed predominantly hyperechoic ovoid lesions in both ovaries. Intrinsic hypoechoic areas were also noted in the lesions. No evidence of cystic or calcific component. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume.
Chapter 8 – Sonographic Assessment of Ovarian Cysts and …
2020年9月17日 · It is a common incidental finding in premenopausal women and most are follicular cysts, which regress spontaneously in one or two cycles. Rarely, simple ovarian cysts, particularly the larger ones or those in older women, are serous cystadenomas.
A simplified approach to ovarian lesions based on the O-RADS …
According to the O-RADS, ovarian lesions are divided into two general categories: classical and non-classical. Classical benign lesions include typical hemorrhagic cysts, endometrioma, dermoid cysts, peritoneal inclusion cysts, paraovarian cysts, and hydrosalpinx, which have typical appearances. In these cases, the size of the lesions is decisive.