约 24,100,000 个结果
  1. Presenting NUKEMAP2 and NUKEMAP3D | Restricted …

    2013年7月22日 · Learn about the latest updates of NUKEMAP, a tool to simulate nuclear explosions and their consequences. NUKEMAP2 offers new options for crater size, fallout plumes, and casualties, while NUKEMAP3D provides 3D …

    Nuclear Fallout
    Restricted Data
  2. 陆基战略导弹漫谈(2):核武器破坏效应 - 知乎

  3. NUKEMAP - Alex Wellerstein

    Nuclear Fallout
    NukeMap Alex Wellerstein
  4. Nukemap - Wikipedia

  5. NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein - Restricted Data: A …

    NUKEMAP is a mapping mash-up that calculates the effects of the detonation of a nuclear bomb.

    NukeMap Alex Wellerstein
    Restricted Data
    NukeMap By Alex
  6. The NUKEMAPs are here - Restricted Data

    2013年7月25日 · NUKEMAP2 and NUKEMAP3D are web-based tools that allow users to model and visualize nuclear explosions and their effects on any city in the world. They use Cold War effects models, Google Earth, and population …

    Nuclear Fallout
    Restricted Data
  7. 如何进行简单的模拟核爆 - 哔哩哔哩

    2022年3月31日 · 本文介绍了使用nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/网站进行核爆模拟的方法和步骤,包括设置爆心、当量、爆类型、效果半径等。文章还展示了不同效果的可视化结果,如压力、电离辐射、热辐射等。

  8. This nuclear-explosion simulator shows where …

    2017年9月21日 · Nukemap 2.5’s new features let you see where a cloud of radioactive fallout might drift based on local weather conditions. Fallout refers to the dirt and debris that get sucked up by a nuclear blast, irradiated to …

    Nuclear Fallout
    Nuclear explosion
  9. 如何评价 NUKEMAP 的创建者允许用户可视化核爆炸带 …
