Putana - Wikipedia. A 17th-century wooden sculpture of Putana with Krishna from Kerala. In Hinduism, Pūtanā (lit. 'putrefaction') is a rakshasi (demoness), who was killed by the infant-god …
The Putna monastery (Romanian: Mănăstirea Putna) is a Romanian Orthodox monastery, one of the most important cultural, religious [1] and artistic centers established in medieval Moldavia; …
Mănăstirea Putna, cu hramul Adormirea Maicii Domnului, este un lăcaș monahal creștin ortodox, important centru cultural, religios și artistic. În anul 2021 autoritățile din județul Suceava au …
Putna Monastery is an important spiritual, historic and cultural landmark. Named by Mihai Eminescu, the national poet of Romanians, “Jerusalem of the Romanian nation”, Putna was …
Cuviosul Eustatie Protopsaltul. A fost cel dintâi compozitor român de muzică psaltică și întemeietorul Școlii muzicale de la Putna. El a reprezentat pentru Moldova ceea ce a …
The imposing Putna Monastery is situated about 30 km northwest from the town of Radauti, near the Putna River. High, forested hills and wild landscape surround the monastery and the …
Putna Monastery, in Bucovina, Romania, was built by the Voievod and Saint Stephen the Great between 1466 and 1469 in a general area picked out by Stephen's spiritual father St. Daniel …