Staccato XC - 1911Forum
2020年1月25日 · Got my XC from a well-known dealer. I previously had an Omni .45 and it was a gem of a gun but I sold it because it just did not get shot much and deserved to be in the hands of someone who would shoot her more Because I am leaving for a work trip tomorrow and then the Big Game after that the range report will have to wait.
Staccato-XC - 1911Forum
2021年4月24日 · Oh! one more point about the Staccato-XC: when cleaning up my shooting station, of 50rds fired: four cases missing (presumed down-range); about five brass on the floor; the remaining ~41 stacked on the nice 20*11 bag. Never before had a semi-auto handgun throw brass as gently and consistently as that. That could make me spoiled.
Stacatto XC for USPSA Open division - Brian Enos's Forums
2021年1月14日 · if you already have the xc, then definitely shoot it in uspsa! i started off with a steelmaster i bought as a range toy before i even knew about uspsa. ask sti/staccato if you can shoot major power factory ammo thru it and if so any recommended spring changes. atlanta arms and others sell major power factor 9mm ammo.
Staccato XC 9mm +P load data - Brian Enos's Forums
2021年3月28日 · My Stacatto XC is rated for +p ammo and I would like to develop a load to take full advantage of the pistols compensator. I have 124gr Xtreme copper plated Hp on hand and titegroup. The max published in Lyman 49 for TG is 4.1 for plated w a velocity of 1057.
Staccato P vs XC vs Costa Comp... - 1911Forum
2020年2月16日 · That said, I’m kinda torn between a Staccato P 4.4”, or getting the DUO and slapping in a DPP. OR, saving for another month and grabbing an XC model. But, just like my problem with the P vs the DUO, I’m torn between a gun designed for a red dot (XC), or, from what I can tell, essentially the same gun designed for iron sights (Costa Comp ...
Internal slide wear marks on a brand new Staccato xc
2020年7月1日 · Hi all. Purchased a new Staccato xc. Brought it home and disassembled to clean. Noticed wear marks where the coating/blueing is already wearing. In your opinion does it look like I was sold a used gun or is it a fit and finish problem with STI? I have another STI with about 1200 rounds through it. Looks better than this one.
Staccato XC -V- Staccato P DUO - Brian Enos's Forums
2020年10月6日 · The XC is definitely the flatter shooting gun, and awesome to shoot. As an added plus the XCs that I've shot have had no feeding issue with any type of factory ammo. Not sure what the price difference on the two guns is, but if you are able to go to one of the STI demo days, it would be worth it to try out just to see for yourself.
Staccato xc comp cleaning - 1911-style Pistols - Brian Enos's Forums
2022年8月29日 · Staccato xc comp cleaning Staccato xc comp cleaning. By Raz22582 August 29, 2022 in 1911-style Pistols ...
Staccato XC larger magwell? - Brian Enos's Forums
2021年1月26日 · Hi all - I have a Staccato XC and was curious if anyone has used a larger magwell (Dawson Ice, Cheely large hands, etc) on it? It comes with the tactical advantage magwell but it's pretty small and still lets the frame take all the abuse. I understand (from a chat with Dawson) that the "normal" 2...
Staccato-XC | Page 2 - 1911Forum
2021年3月13日 · Staccato-XC. Jump to Latest 21 - 34 of 34 Posts. 1 2. BigMike45 · Registered. Joined Mar 13, 2021 · 192 ...